Truffles containing psilocybin can have a potent effect on your body, including but not limited to affecting: neurotransmitters, hormones, enzymes, and other essential physical health parameters. Although research continues to be done, we do not yet have a complete understanding of how this substance impacts human biology.
Everyone reacts to truffles containing psilocybin differently. The reaction can depend on your health during the experience, how rested and/or stressed you are, and your genetics. There is no guarantee that the truffles containing psilocybin session will benefit you, or that you will have a strong response to the psychedelic. There is currently limited research on factors predicting such response, so please be mentally prepared for various outcomes including but not limited to: a very mild reaction, a high-anxiety response, feeling depressed and tired, and/or being more or less emotional after the experience. While our team strives to ensure the retreat experience is impactful, we cannot control your reaction to the truffles containing psilocybin.
Many cultures believe that a psychedelic experience requires some health preparation in order to increase the chances of the session being effective. Many indigenous tribes that traditionally use psychedelic plants or fungi recommend special diets and discourage the consumption of any food or beverage that can stress and/or dampen the natural body responses before and after the experience. These tend to be food and beverages that are high in salt and sugar content. Additionally, scientific studies indicate that some commonly used substances can interfere with the effect of truffles containing psilocybin. Some of these substances can be dangerous when combined with psilocybin; and might amplify or dampen the effect.
We’re highlighting these items as we highly-suggest you discontinue their use for a specific length of time prior to participating in a retreat.
Alcohol can diminish the positive effects of the truffles containing pscilocybin session.
If our team detected a potential problematic pattern of alcohol use, we'd have already informed you and provided specific instructions as it pertains to alcohol consumption prior to a retreat.
For those with non-problematic use, please abstain from alcohol for 14 days prior to your retreat. We also recommend limiting alcohol consumption for seven days following retreat.
Cannabis is a potent plant that impacts human health systems including: the endocannabinoid system, immune system, metabolism, sleep, and/or neurotransmitters.
People respond differently to inhaled and edible forms of THC and CBD. For some, the effect might be calming, while for others, it might increase anxiety. Some people’s genetics might predispose them to respond with high-levels of anxiety to cannabis, leading to worsening mental or physical health.
Therefore, we recommend you don’t use cannabis for a minimum of 30 days prior to and 14 days following your retreat as cannabis can interfere with the results of the truffles containing psilocybin session.
If the information from your health screening indicated that you are a regular cannabis user, we would have already communicated that to you along with special instructions relating to cannabis use before and after your retreat.
If you are a regular cannabis user who did not disclose this to us during your health screening, please contact us eight weeks prior to your retreat to determine the proper course of action.
Other drugs (MDMA, Stimulants, and Amphetamines)
Substances like MDMA and amphetamines can have a powerful and long-lasting effect on serotonin and dopamine receptors and, therefore, can potentiate the effect of stimulants and impact your post-retreat experience.
We recommend that you abstain from these substances for a minimum of 45 days prior to your retreat and that you’re cautious with the use of these substances after.
Prescription Medication
This includes anxiolytics such as benzodiazepines (e.g. Xanax), opioids, strong painkillers (e.g Ketonal and Codeine) and medical sleeping aids.
If you take one of these medications regularly and we issued you an Extra Informed Consent (EIC) waiver, please follow the instructions provided on that document.
If you started any new medication since your health screening approval, please contact us a minimum of eight weeks prior to your retreat to discuss the proper course of action.
ADHD medication
Stop taking your medication two to three days prior to your retreat and resume taking your medication two to three days following your retreat. No tapering is required.
If you use a higher dose of ADHD medication than prescribed, please alert us a minimum of eight weeks prior to your retreat so we can determine the proper course of action.
Supplements and Herbs
There is no direct research on the interaction between both categories of supplements listed below and truffles containing psilocybin. Yet, some of the listed substances are psychoactive and may impact brain neurochemistry.
Examples of such supplements:
- 5-HTP
- L-Tyrosine
- L-Tryptophan
- St. John's Wort
- SAMe
- Lithium
- Kanna
- Syrian Rue (Peganum Harmala)
Please avoid taking the above supplements for a minimum of 14 days prior, during and three days following your retreat as they might impact the outcome of your experience.
We also recommend you abstain from using the following supplements/substances for 14 days prior to your retreat.
- Ashwagandha
- L-theanine
- L-proline
- L-lysine
- Rhodiola Rosea
- Saffron
- Passionflower
- curcumin (turmeric)
Other substances
In addition, please refrain from using these substances during the retreat:
- Melatonin
- Over the counter drugs, including:
- Commercial anti-histamines
- Commercial migraine medication
- Commercial sleep sids or anti-anxiety medication
Please speak to the retreat facilitator if you experience pain, an allergic reaction, or anxiety that is unmanageable and you feel the need to take one of the above mentioned over-the-counter medications.
Stimulants, Nootropics, and Cognitive Enhancers
Regular use of cognition or productivity-enhancing substances can have long-term effects on brain neurochemistry. Research indicates the potential for intensified psychological experience, counterproductive effects, and additive cardiovascular risk, and increased body temperature when such substances are combined with psychedelics.
Please inform us if you take any nootropics, stimulants such as Armodafinil, Nuvigil, Modafinil, Provigil, or other cognitive enhancers regularly (i.e. every day or more than five days per week).
If you occasionally take these substances, please do not use them 48 hours before or following the truffles containing psilocybin session.
- Please contact us a minimum of eight weeks prior to your retreat if you:
- Started a new medication that was not discussed to our health team.
- You struggle with avoiding the use of alcohol, cannabis, or stimulants prior to your retreat.
- Your mental or physical health worsens prior to your retreat.
- You informed your medical doctor or therapist about your plans to participate in the retreat and they advised against it.
- Please contact us anytime prior to your retreat if you:
- Experience a sudden change in your health.
- Experience a trauma and/or life-altering event.
- Want to take a substance (e.g. sleeping pill, herbs to calm anxiety, or similar) near the start of your retreat but are unsure whether it falls into any of the prohibited categories outlined.
Note that the list of medications and substances reflected here is not exhaustive. Please contact us if you have any questions about a substance you are consuming or plan to consume before, during and/or after your retreat and our medical team will consult with you.
We encourage you to treat the preparation for your retreat as an opportunity to improve your overall self-care. In addition to the specific requirements relating to alcohol and drugs, you can also experiment with small, yet effective self-care practices.
Some suggestions include:
- Allowing yourself to sleep half an hour or one hour longer than usual.
- Turning off all devices and dimming the lights an hour before bedtime.
- Reading a book.
- Spending more time with friends or family.
- Spending some time in nature.
- Enjoying a relaxing bath or other relaxing activity.
- Abstaining from heavy food, news and media consumption, sex, alcohol and any other recreational drugs.
- Eating as healthily as you can; fresh fruits and vegetables especially.
- Resting and sleep as much as possible.